Marketing Ideas Small Business Owners Can Use to Get More Referrals

Many professionals and small business owners want more referrals. They know referrals are a big part of their marketing strategy. However, many people are reluctant to ask for referrals. It makes them feel needy, greedy or pushy.  But it doesn’t have to be that way!

What is the number one question people ask you?  It doesn’t matter what you do for a living.  The question is always the same.  Ready?  It is:  “How are you?” 
If you are like just about everyone, your answer is always the same: “Fine.”  That is a dead-end street.  Next time, use that as an opportunity to talk about your business. 
Try something like: 
“I’m great.  I’m working with a new client who (describe your client).  I’m helping him by (fill in what you are doing to help that client).  I really like working with people like that because (say why).”
Now here’s the important part. Ask for a referral.
“Do you know anyone who (describe your client again)?  If you do, let me know.  I’d love to help them, too.”
Need an example?
Here’s something an accountant might say.
“I am great. I am working with a client who wants to retire and sell her business in a few years.  I’m helping her get her finances order now, so she’ll be in good shape when she is ready to sell. I like this type of project because I know with my help, she’s going to get a lot more money when she does sell her business. Do you know any business owners who are nearing retirement age?  If you do, send them my way.  I’ll be happy to review their books and see if there are areas that need updating.”
Need another example? Here is something a restaurant owner could say.
“I am great! I just introduced a new menu. It has some heart-healthy entrees on it and my customers love it! I like providing food that tastes fabulous and is good for my customers, too. It makes me feel like I am really taking care of them. Do you know anyone who is interested in improving their eating habits? If you do, send them my way. Be sure they tell me they know you. I will be happy to give them extra-special treatment.”
With a little modification, you can also use this type of message in written communication (seasonal cards, e-mails, etc.) to your contacts. 
Give it a try!  You’ll soon find getting more referrals is a lot easier than you thought.

Pamela Starr is a marketing expert and the creator of The Starr Marketing Method™. She publishes a weekly ezine offering free marketing ideas. If you have tried marketing your business, and are frustrated with your results, check out Pamela’s ezine and free report: Easy and Affordable Marketing Tricks at:

Do you have a business idea and need a government grant or small business loan to get off the ground running? Getting the cash you need to launch your new venture is possible through these government programs, and by applying for them you can get money to help you business succeed and never have to pay it back.

When it comes to running a successful business, one thing that you can never have enough of is money. The number one reason why small businesses fail is because they run out of funding. The best idea, the best product and the best customers can still fail if the business is not properly funded. Unfortunately it generally costs more money than is expected, which is why it is so difficult to make it as an entrepreneur.

Small business loans, borrowing money from friends, and your own savings can all be great resources to fund your new start-up; however, those resources are not always available. If they are, they may not be able to provide you with enough money.

That’s where government business grants and loans can be a big help. Grants, in particular, can provide financing that never has to be paid back. Because small business is the backbone to the economy, it is incredibly important that business owners succeed and people are willing to take the leap as an entrepreneur. That’s why the government helps those who present themselves as capable business owners by providing them with some financial assistance.

Grants for small businesses can also be obtained by private foundations. By searching an up-to-date grant database, you can quickly find and apply to the funds that are currently available. By using the resources included with your access to the grant directory, you can get all the forms and help needed to properly apply for a grant and potentially get approved for as much as $ 50,0000.

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