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The Power of Influencer Networks for Education and Small Business

Everybody knows the phrase ‘it’s not about what you know, but who you know’, which means that success is far more likely if you have connections and know other people who can help you make progress towards your goals. The Power of Influencer Networks for Education and Small Business With [CONTINUE READING]

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Stay Warm with These Men’s Trapper Hats

Traditionally used by hunters, the trapper hat is now used by many people in cold climates. And although these are trapper hats for men, they can easily be used by women. That is what makes trapper hats so versatile, anyone can wear them to stay warm. History of the Trapper [CONTINUE READING]

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112 Retirement Messages for Employees, Co-Workers, and Your Boss

Throughout your career, you’ll likely work closely with various people who retire. Your bosses, clients, coworkers, and other colleagues are all likely to take this step at some point. When they do, retirement messages can help you show your appreciation for their past contributions. Here are some examples to get [CONTINUE READING]

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7 Types of Tech E-Commerce Businesses Need To Run Well

Plenty of entrepreneurs have found significant success selling products online. Yet running a thriving e-commerce business takes more than just offering appealing items. In fact, one of the strategies to becoming a leading e-merchant involves choosing the right technologies. Of course, not all technologies are alike. That’s why it’s essential [CONTINUE READING]